Work Italia
Information about the Work Italia instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Create Task From JOb Applicant, Task Job Application
- odoo app allow to Create Task From Applicant job application screen, create task from applicant screen, job application create task, Create task from recruitment, task from job application, task from applicant, create task job application
- Employee Complaint
- odoo app to manage Employee Complaint | Employee Complaint | Complaint Management, Complain, employee complain
- Account Invoice Currency Rate
- odoo app will add invocie currency rate on invocie screen to adjust currency rate, manual invoice exchange rate, invoice currency rate, invoice exchange rate, invoice exchange rate, manual exchange rate, convert exchange currency rate invoice, currency rate accouting, mass currency rate
- esendex SMS Gateway
- Send sms notifications using skebby sms gateway.feb 9 last updated
- Birthday Wishes
- Birthday Wishes for Employee, Customer
- SMS Notification
- Send SMS to customers. Send SMS notifications on Customer mobile with the module. Integrate SMS gateways with Odoo.
- Shitjet
- From quotations to invoices
- Invoicing
- Invoices & Payments
- Track leads and close opportunities
- Faqe Web
- Enterprise website builder
- Inventory
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Kontabiliteti
- Manage financial and analytic accounting
- Blerje
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Project
- Organize and plan your projects
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
- Email Marketing
- Design, send and track emails
- Timesheets
- Track employee time on tasks
- Expenses
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Studio
- Create and customize your Odoo apps
- Documents
- Document management
- Time Off
- Allocate PTOs and follow leaves requests
- Recruitment
- Track your recruitment pipeline
- Employees
- Centralize employee information
- Account Cut-off Start End Dates
- Cutoffs based on start/end dates
- Account Financial Reports
- OCA Financial Reports
- Branch Wise Accounting Report
- Financial Reports For Branch - Odoo Enterprise Edition
- Multi Branch Base
- Create multiple branches of your company
- Multi Branch All in One
- Multi Branch Management for Sales, Purchase, Stock & Account
- Data Recycle
- Find old records and archive/delete them
- HR Contact Common Fields
- HR Contact Common Fields
- Knowledge
- Centralize, manage, share and grow your knowledge library
- Maintenance
- Track equipment and manage maintenance requests
- Odoo TMS
- Fleet, After Sales
- Document Management
- Document Management
- Employee Badge
- Employee Badge
- All in One Custom Checklist
- All in One Checklist Sale Order Checklist,Purchase Order Checklist,Manufacturing Checklist,Stock Checklist,CRM Checklist,Employee Entry Exit Checklist,Meeting Checklist,Project Checklist,Project Task Checklist,MRP Checklist,Sales Checklist,Bunch Checklist Odoo
- All In One Helpdesk | CRM Helpdesk | Sale Order Helpdesk | Purchase Helpdesk | Invoice Helpdesk | Helpdesk Timesheet | Helpdesk Support Ticket To Task
- Flexible HelpDesk Customizable Help Desk Service Desk HelpDesk With Stages Help Desk Ticket Management Helpdesk Email Templates Email Alias Email Helpdesk Chatter Sale Order With Helpdesk,Purchase Order With Helpdesk Invoice With Helpdesk Apps for purchase Material Requisitions Request purchase product Requisitions Request Material Requisition for tender Material Requisition for manufacturing order Product Request on RFQ Product Request on Tender Product Request on manufacturing order Odoo
- Merge Helpdesk Support Tickets
- Merge Helpdesk Ticket Merge Helpdesk Support Tickets Merge Tickets Support Ticket Merge Tickets Of Helpdesk Support System Merge support Issues Merge Multiple Tickets Merge Support Ticket Combine Support Ticket Odoo
- HR Recruitment Custom Checklist | HR Custom Checklist
- Make Checklist For HR Recruitment Remember Of Important Things HR Recruitment Checklist HR Checklist HR Recruitment Checklist With Status HR Work Checklist App Employee Orientation Process checklist HR checklist Odoo
- Popup Message
- create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Recurring Activities
- Add Recurrent Activities Recurrent Activity Recurrence activities Recurrent option for activity repeat activity renew auto recurrent activity automatic Recurring Activities Management Activity Scheduler Odoo
- Mail Template With Multi Company | Email Template With Multi Company | Sales Mail Template With Multi Company
- Sale Mail Template Multi Company Sale Email Template Multi Company E-mail Template With Multi Company E-mail Template Multi Company Separate Mail Template For Each Company Email Template Separate Email Template For Each Company Mail Template Mail Template With Multiple Company Email Template With Multiple Company E-mail Template With Multiple Company E-mail Template Multiple Company Multiple Email Template Multiple Company Multiple Mail Template Multi-company Mail Templates Multi-company Email Templates Odoo
- Schedule Activity for Multi Users
- Activity Scheduler, Activity Management, Schedule Activity to Multiple Users, Schedule Multiple Activity Module, Arrange Activity Same Time App, Multiple Activity Multiple User, Organize Planned Activity, Create Activity For More Users Odoo
- ChatRoom BASE Whatsapp - Messenger - Instagram. Live Chat. Real All in One
- From ChatRoom main view Search & Send Product. Send message from many places with Templates (Sale, Invoice, Purchase, CRM Leads, Product, Stock Picking, Partner). All in one screen. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom Chatter. Chat history in form.
- Chat history in chatter. In many views (Partner, Invoice, Sale, CRM Leads,...). Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom CRM extra. Leads. Real All in One
- From ChatRoom main view Create & Send CRM Leads. Send message from CRM Lead. All in one screen. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp Live Chat. Real All in One
- Instagram DM & FaceBook Messenger chat in ChatRoom, Live Send and Receive. Send from many places. Instagram Direct Message IDM META ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom HelpDesk extra. Enterprise version. WhatsApp
- Create HelpDesk Ticket from ChatRoom. Send message from Ticket. WhatsApp HelpDesk. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom Sale extra, Invoice. Real All in One
- From ChatRoom main view Create & Send Sales Orders and Invoices. All in one screen. GupShup Chat-Api ChatApi. Whatsapp, Instagram DM, FaceBook Messenger. ChatRoom 2.0.
- ChatRoom SEND Invoice and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from Invoices with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND CRM Leads and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from CRM Leads with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Purchase Order and Templates. WhatsApp.
- Send messages from Purchase Order with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Sale Order and Templates. WhatsApp
- Send messages from Sale Order with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND Product and Stock Picking. Templates. WhatsApp
- Send messages from Product and Stock Picking with Templates.
- ChatRoom SEND BASE
- Base module for others. Messages and Templates.
- Sign
- Send documents to sign online and handle filled copies
- Helpdesk
- Track, prioritize, and solve customer tickets
- Subscriptions
- Generate recurring invoices and manage renewals
- eLearning
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- Planning
- Manage your employees' schedule
- Discuss
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Kontakte
- Centralize your address book
- Rental
- Manage rental contracts, deliveries and returns
- Calendar
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Field Service
- Schedule and track onsite operations, time and material
- Social Marketing
- Manage your social media and website visitors
- Appraisals
- Assess your employees
- Fleet
- Manage your fleet and track car costs
- Approvals
- Create and validate approvals requests
- Marketing Automation
- Build automated mailing campaigns
- Consolidation
- All you need to make financial consolidation
- Live Chat
- Chat with your website visitors
- Appointments
- Allow people to book meetings in your agenda
- Surveys
- Send your surveys or share them live.
- Repairs
- Repair damaged products
- Attendances
- Track employee attendance
- SMS Marketing
- Design, send and track SMS
- Shënime
- Organize your work with memos
- Skills Management
- Manage skills, knowledge and resume of your employees
- Make calls using a VOIP system
- Payroll
- Manage your employee payroll records
- Online Jobs
- Manage your online hiring process
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- ITA - Codici bancari ABI/CAB
- Base Bank ABI/CAB codes
- ITA - Contabilità base
- Modulo base usato come dipendenza di altri moduli contabili
- ITA - Imposta di bollo
- Gestione automatica dell'imposta di bollo
- ITA - Natura delle aliquote IVA
- Gestione natura delle aliquote IVA
- ITA - Codici carica
- Aggiunge la tabella dei codici carica da usare nelle dichiarazioni fiscali italiane
- ITA - Dichiarazione di intento
- Gestione dichiarazioni di intento
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Base
- Fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Export ZIP
- Permette di esportare in uno ZIP diversi file XML di fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Import ZIP
- Permette di importare in uno ZIP diversi file XML di fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Ricezione
- Ricezione fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Integrazione acquisti
- Modulo ponte tra ricezione fatture elettroniche e acquisti
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Inversione contabile
- Modulo ponte tra e-fattura in acquisto e inversione contabile
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Emissione
- Emissione fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Emissione - Dichiarazione d'intento
- Dichiarazioni d'intento in fatturapa
- ITA - Emissione e-fattura con reverse charge
- Integrazione l10n_it_fatturapa_out e l10n_it_reverse_charge
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Emissione - Scissione Pagamenti
- Scissione pagamenti in fatturapa
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Integrazione bollo
- Modulo ponte tra emissione fatture elettroniche e imposta di bollo
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Integrazione ritenuta
- Modulo ponte tra emissione fatture elettroniche e ritenute.
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Supporto PEC
- Invio fatture elettroniche tramite PEC
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Integrazione vendite
- Aggiunge alcuni dati per la fatturazione elettronica nell'ordine di vendita
- ITA - Stato patrimoniale e conto economico
- Rendicontazione .pdf e .xls per stato patrimoniale e conto economico a sezioni contrapposte
- ITA - Termini fiscali di pagamento
- Condizioni di pagamento delle fatture elettroniche
- ITA - Codice fiscale nel preventivo
- Mostra il codice fiscale del cliente nella stampa del preventivo
- ITA - Causali di pagamento
- Aggiunge la tabella delle causali di pagamento da usare ad esempio nelle ritenute d'acconto
- ITA - Registro REA
- Gestisce i campi del Repertorio Economico Amministrativo
- ITA - Inversione contabile
- Inversione contabile
- ITA - Fattura elettronica - Canale SdI
- Aggiunge il canale di invio/ricezione dei file XML attraverso lo SdI
- ITA - Scissione pagamenti
- Scissione pagamenti
- ITA - Registro IVA + Scissione dei pagamenti
- Modulo di congiunzione tra registri IVA e scissione dei pagamenti
- ITA - Comunicazione liquidazione IVA
- Comunicazione liquidazione IVA ed esportazione file xmlconforme alle specifiche dell'Agenzia delle Entrate
- ITA - Liquidazione IVA + Scissione dei pagamenti
- Migliora la liquidazione dell'IVA tenendo in considerazione la scissione dei pagamenti
- Italian Localization - Fattura elettronica - Portale
- Add fatturapa fields and checks in frontend user's details
- ITA - Website portal fiscalcode
- Add fiscal code to details of frontend user
- ITA - Codice IPA - Portale
- Aggiunge l'indice PA (IPA) tra i dettagli dell'utente nel portale.
- ITA - Ritenuta d'acconto - Pagamenti
- Gestisce le ritenute sulle fatture e sui pagamenti